Members' Business — S6M-02692 Ariane Burgess: Revitalising Coastal Communities

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Yesterday in the Scottish Parliament Ariane Burgess MSP (The Green Party) led a debate on revitalising coastal communities.

The motion read:

That the Parliament recognises what it sees as the importance of restoring Scotland’s coastal environment to tackle the climate and nature emergencies; considers that nature restoration presents economic opportunities for coastal communities; believes that communities must be at the heart of nature restoration and the stewardship of their environment; commends the work of the Coastal Communities Network, which consists of 19 community groups across Scotland, and which, it understands, works to preserve and protect the marine environment and to promote sustainable economic activity, based on this natural asset; celebrates, in particular, the community-led seagrass and oyster bed restoration at Loch Craignish, and recognises the potential for further community-led nature restoration across Scotland’s coastlines.

You can watch the debate at the link below which was unanimously supported cross-party by the MSPs that participated.

Màiri McAllan, Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform in the Scottish Government closed the debate.



Skye & Lochalsh Environment Forum, Tigh a Chiobair, Ord, Sleat, Isle of Skye, Scotland IV44 8RN

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