SLEF Annual members and supporters meeting 8th April.

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It's that time of year when the Skye and Lochalsh Environment Forum will host its annual members and supporters meeting. This will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 8th April at 1900.

The invitation is shown below.

Join SLEF AMM Zoom Meeting 08/04/2025 at 19:00hrs – 7pm.
Meeting ID: 865 8223 3531
Passcode: 516497

This will be a review of the year to March 2024 and what SLEF has been undertaking since then. Andrew Robinson from the Skye Wind Information Group has kindly agreed to present on the incoming 'industrialisation' of Skye and Lochalsh and its effect on the community and the environment is a case in point.

We hope you can join us on the 8th, the session will last around 75 minutes.

Remember too the presentation by the John Muir Trust on March  28th as pinned on our Facebook page. An Crubh in Sleat at 1930.






Skye & Lochalsh Environment Forum, Tigh a Chiobair, Ord, Sleat, Isle of Skye, Scotland IV44 8RN

Skye and Lochalsh Environment Forum is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC040820).

Tel: 01471 855350 Email:
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